Export statistics Lemlist CSV problems


Hello everyone,
I can’t process the csv sent back by lemlist. I’ve tried to use the HTTP protocol or the Native module, but I can’t do anything… If someone can help me, that would save me.
I have only one solution but I get this error message from the parse CSV module (How can I reduce the data volume to solve this problem?) :
Capture d'écran 2024-03-14 144958

Welcome to the Make community!

Can you please provide a link to the copy of your CSV file, or upload it here?

This will allow us to investigate alternative solutions instead of using the Parse CSV module.

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Basically, what I’d like to do is export the statistics of all my campaigns listed with the list all campaigns module (Lemlist). The problem is that the CSV only parses columns when it comes out of Lemlist in Binary and if I create a CSV with Binary the file is too big to be parsed… I also can’t apply text processing functions with variables once the CSV has been created…

Thanks in advance for your help.

I’m attaching the csv link: Copie de TEST18/03(1).csv - Google Sheets

And attached is an image of the scenario.

Have a nice day!

I’ve run into cases where the software I was using just couldn’t handle a big file. Switching to more powerful data processing tools made a huge difference. For example, Python’s pandas library is amazing for working with large CSV files. It can handle big datasets much more smoothly.

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