Extract key-value pairs from large JSON object

Hi there,

I’m completely new to make.com and try to solve the following problem.

Via an API and the tool “Parse JSON”, I get a JSON object - see the figure.

The JSON object contains over 950 so-called concepts (here named with a combination of capital letters and numbers).

For each concept, I want to extract the key-value pair id: XXX and name: XXXXX.

I tried to use an iterator, but this didn’t seem to work.

How should I proceed? Any idea is highly appreciated.

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Could you please provide the output bundle of the previous module generating the JSON? (Before Parse JSON)

Welcome to the Make community!

Please provide the input and output bundles of the modules by running the scenario (or get from the scenario History tab), then click the white speech bubble on the top-right of each module and select “Download input/output bundles”.


Save each bundle contents in your text editor as a bundle.txt file, and upload it here into this discussion thread.
Uploading them here will look like this:

module-1-output-bundle.txt (12.3 KB)


If you are unable to upload files on this forum, alternatively you can paste the formatted bundles in this manner:

  • Either add three backticks ``` before and after the code, like this:

    input/output bundle content goes here

  • Or use the format code button in the editor:

Providing the input/output bundles will allow others to replicate what is going on in the scenario even if they do not use the external service.

This will allow others to better assist you. Thanks!

samliewrequest private consultation

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