Failed to login into TikTok account

still working on it? why it take so long?

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Guys, I would like to know what are the functions you need with tiktok except for login.
I can spend some time to create a third-party API for tiktok if you guys need it

Hello @Bologna and thank you for bumping this issue.

I wanted to let you know that our dev team is working with the TikTok team to find the best solution.

We will keep you updated with any new developments as soon as we have them.

We apologize for the inconvenience and frustration caused by the wait.
Thank you very much for your patience and understanding. :pray:

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thanks for the update Michaela. still waiting :slight_smile:

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Do you have any ETA?

Hello @Mateusz_Strzalkowski and welcome to the Make Commnunity.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a specific timeline to share at the moment. However, our developers are actively working on this, and we will provide updates as soon as they become available.

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding :pray:

Hi Jereml! Can you please guide or recommend a youtube video to create a third-party API for tiktok? TIA

I just want to list TikTok videos from my account with associated metrics. I’ve tried but TikTok doesn’t want to approve my app.

@Michaela when can we expect a solution?

Hello @pmroz,

Unfortunately, we don’t have a specific ETA to share just yet. Our development team is working with TikTok to resolve this issue, and we’ll keep you updated as soon as we have any new information.

We genuinely apologize for the disruptions and frustration this has caused. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding. :pray:

surely by now they’ve fixed it? the dev team has been working on this all may, june, july and august. any updates? @Michaela

im sure you’re as frustrated as us, anyway you can bump this up internally? The community has been asking for this to get fixed for nearly half a year

Hello @Asad_Shah

I’d like to assure you that our development team is aware of the importance of this issue and is actively working with TikTok to resolve this. Please know that this situation involves multiple parties, and we are all working together toward the best possible solution.

⁤That being said, we are very sorry for the inconvenience and frustration this has been causing. ⁤⁤We will make sure to share any updates as soon as they become available. ⁤

⁤Thank you for your patience and understanding. :pray:

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