Fake error with custom type and message


Instead of throwing errors by parsing invalid JSON I thought I’d try using a custom module, so I made one that has no URL defined (base or otherwise), takes for inputs an assertion, an error type and an error message, with a definition like so:

	"response": {
		"valid": "{{parameters.assertion}}",
		"error": {
			"type": "DataError",
			"200": {
				"message": "[200] Test"
			"message": "{{parameters.errorMessage}}"
		"output": { }

The actual assertion/validation works; the module throws an error when the assertion is false, but the error parameters seem to be ignored. I hardcoded the type to verify whether it was an issue with using a parameter, and I added the 200 object to see whether it made a difference, but the error thrown is always the following:


Response marked as invalid.

Am I specifying the error parameters incorrectly, or is this some kind of default, forced error that happens due to there not being any URL provided/request performed?

Hello et.fz,

To execute an error in a request-less communication, you can use this code:

	"response": {
		"valid": {
			"condition": "{{parameters.assertion}}", //defines when the error should be thrown
			"message": "Uknown error.", //hardcoded message
			"type": "RuntimeError" //set error type
		"output": "{{undefined}}"

However, it is not possible to hardcode the code of the error, e.g. 400, 500. It is only possible to hardcode the error message and the type.

See the available error types here.


Works perfectly. Thank you!

	"response": {
		"valid": {
			"condition": "{{parameters.assertion}}",
			"message": "{{parameters.errorMessage}}",
			"type": "{{parameters.errorType}}"
		"output": {"result": "{{parameters.assertion}}"}
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