Filter calendar events with an end time greater than 18:00 hours

I’m trying to filter out calendar events with an end time later than 18:00 hours.
I have tried different scenario’s, but can’t figure it out.

This is my current filter

I also tried this, but does not result in an event passing through…

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Hi @Bob_van_den_Berg

End date from calendar comes as of “date” type datatype and formatdate converts the date into “text” datatype. Hence, this comparison won’t work as the data types are different.

Steps to follow:

  1. Remove formatDate() function.
  2. You can use setHour() function over {{now}} like below


  1. OR can use filter like below:

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Platinum Partner of Make

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Great, that works. Thanx for the quick response

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