Folk CRM Help Needed: Updating Multiple People’s Custom Fields from a Company Field

Hello everyone,

I’m facing an issue while trying to update custom fields for multiple people based on a custom field in their associated company. The problem arises because it’s not straightforward to pull person IDs directly from a company (though the reverse is possible).

To work around this, I’ve been using the “Find a Person” module, searching by email to link a company field to a person field. This works for one person, but Make fails to update additional people linked to the same company. It seems to ignore other people attached to the company, even though there are multiple connections.

I’ve attached screenshots of my scenario, including the input and output bundles, for reference:

Any advice on how to resolve this issue or suggestions for better handling this kind of update would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Dalmatian_Ops,

I just wanted to check Folk’s API documentation. They don’t seem to have an API, so the modules they have in are really everything we have access to.

Your setup is 90% correct. You just have to add an iterator module after the “Get a Company” Module and select the E-Mails Array.

This will cause all modules after the iterator to repeat the following actions for each of the entries in the Emails array.

Just make sure that in the email input of the module “Find a Person”, you select the email from the iterator module.

Let me know if that works as expected :smiley:

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