GDRIVE to Canva Upload Error

Hi I’m pretty new to automation.
I have tried to upload an image file from my googledrive to canva but i get an error every time. Hope you guys can help me. Here is the error:

  • Initialization

  • Data size: 0

Operation 1


[400] invalid_file_format file format TEXT is disallowed



Automatic error handler

If you want to handle this error automatically, choose one of the following options. This will create a new error-handler route in your scenario. You can then expand the route in any way you like.

Ignore all errors
Ignore errors of type RuntimeError
More information about error handling


  • Bundle 1Collection

    • Data


* Name


  • Rollback

  • Finalization

Hi there!

Can you provide a screenshot of your Make scenario? It will make bugfixing slightly easier.

Thank you.

Thank you but it was totally unnecessary what i did as a automation.
i was just trying to understand how automation works. i deleted the scenario

anyway thank you for your attention

1 Like

I am having the same error with Canva’s “Upload an Image” module:


[400] invalid_file_format file format TEXT is disallowed

The file I’m trying to upload appears as follows:

Name: sample-name