Get all properties

Hi Makers,

I need help mapping properties from my HubSpot CRM active lists to so I can create a PDF. Currently, when using the module, I can only retrieve one property and am unable to view all the properties. Anyone can help to overcome this limitation and any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your attention and participation.

You aggregated the four bundles into an array, so you’ll need to use an Array Iterator module to loop through each item in {{15.Array}}, unless you wanted to do something else like use a Text Aggregator instead?

1 Like

I am not familiar with Make so I don’t know If I am doing right. I will try the Iterator tool. Thanks!


After the Iterator module, what is the next module to do?

It depends on what you want to do next. What do you want to access the properties for?

I want to get all the information from the properties and use it to create an active list as a PDF using HTML to PDF converter. Like all the first name, last name, contact numbers, and email.

Welcome to the Make community!

Could you please provide the input/output bundles of your trigger module by running the scenario, then clicking the bubble on the top-right of the module, and copying the contents into this discussion thread:


This will allow others to better assist you. Thanks!



Here is the Input Bundles: [
“limit”: 100,
“objectType”: “contacts”,
“outputProperties”: [

Here is the Output bundles: [
“vid”: 101,
“canonical-vid”: 101,
“merged-vids”: ,
“portal-id”: 43958110,
“is-contact”: true,
“properties”: {
“firstname”: “john”,
“phone”: “+639456397080”,
“lastmodifieddate”: {
“value”: “1695730350517”
“email”: “”,
“lastname”: “doe”
“form-submissions”: ,
“identity-profiles”: [
“vid”: 101,
“saved-at-timestamp”: 1695729587550,
“deleted-changed-timestamp”: 0,
“identities”: [
“type”: “EMAIL”,
“value”: “”,
“timestamp”: 1695729587389,
“is-primary”: true
“type”: “LEAD_GUID”,
“value”: “c3ff6752-1f3f-49a1-b8aa-2d1e372cbea0”,
“timestamp”: 1695729587543
“merge-audits”: ,
“addedAt”: 1695729587550,
“origin_properties”: {
“firstname”: {
“value”: “john”
“phone”: {
“value”: “+639456397080”
“lastmodifieddate”: {
“value”: “1695730350517”
“email”: {
“value”: “”
“lastname”: {
“value”: “doe”
“lastModifiedDate”: “2023-09-26T12:12:30.517Z”,
“createDate”: “2023-09-26T11:59:47.550Z”,
“vid”: 151,
“canonical-vid”: 151,
“merged-vids”: ,
“portal-id”: 43958110,
“is-contact”: true,
“properties”: {
“firstname”: “john”,
“phone”: “+639454768908”,
“lastmodifieddate”: {
“value”: “1695730557512”
“email”: “”,
“lastname”: “smith”
“form-submissions”: ,
“identity-profiles”: [
“vid”: 151,
“saved-at-timestamp”: 1695730456405,
“deleted-changed-timestamp”: 0,
“identities”: [
“type”: “EMAIL”,
“value”: “”,
“timestamp”: 1695730456271,
“is-primary”: true
“type”: “LEAD_GUID”,
“value”: “0af3f84b-5cba-4f86-b90e-86a7db6e15b9”,
“timestamp”: 1695730456402
“merge-audits”: ,
“addedAt”: 1695730456405,
“origin_properties”: {
“firstname”: {
“value”: “john”
“phone”: {
“value”: “+639454768908”
“lastmodifieddate”: {
“value”: “1695730557512”
“email”: {
“value”: “”
“lastname”: {
“value”: “smith”
“lastModifiedDate”: “2023-09-26T12:15:57.512Z”,
“createDate”: “2023-09-26T12:14:16.405Z”,
“vid”: 201,
“canonical-vid”: 201,
“merged-vids”: ,
“portal-id”: 43958110,
“is-contact”: true,
“properties”: {
“firstname”: “jane”,
“phone”: “+639456397080”,
“lastmodifieddate”: {
“value”: “1696229226809”
“email”: “”,
“lastname”: “doe”
“form-submissions”: ,
“identity-profiles”: [
“vid”: 201,
“saved-at-timestamp”: 1696229216854,
“deleted-changed-timestamp”: 0,
“identities”: [
“type”: “EMAIL”,
“value”: “”,
“timestamp”: 1696229216713,
“is-primary”: true
“type”: “LEAD_GUID”,
“value”: “515378f7-2273-4d4e-8579-69e921266174”,
“timestamp”: 1696229216850
“merge-audits”: ,
“addedAt”: 1696229216854,
“origin_properties”: {
“firstname”: {
“value”: “jane”
“phone”: {
“value”: “+639456397080”
“lastmodifieddate”: {
“value”: “1696229226809”
“email”: {
“value”: “”
“lastname”: {
“value”: “doe”
“lastModifiedDate”: “2023-10-02T06:47:06.809Z”,
“createDate”: “2023-10-02T06:46:56.854Z”,
“vid”: 251,
“canonical-vid”: 251,
“merged-vids”: ,
“portal-id”: 43958110,
“is-contact”: true,
“properties”: {
“firstname”: “jane”,
“phone”: “+639454768908”,
“lastmodifieddate”: {
“value”: “1696229342186”
“email”: “”,
“lastname”: “smith”
“form-submissions”: ,
“identity-profiles”: [
“vid”: 251,
“saved-at-timestamp”: 1696229324475,
“deleted-changed-timestamp”: 0,
“identities”: [
“type”: “EMAIL”,
“value”: “”,
“timestamp”: 1696229324341,
“is-primary”: true
“type”: “LEAD_GUID”,
“value”: “dce247ff-1324-4eb2-8735-5a6648df9e20”,
“timestamp”: 1696229324471
“merge-audits”: ,
“addedAt”: 1696229324475,
“origin_properties”: {
“firstname”: {
“value”: “jane”
“phone”: {
“value”: “+639454768908”
“lastmodifieddate”: {
“value”: “1696229342186”
“email”: {
“value”: “”
“lastname”: {
“value”: “smith”
“lastModifiedDate”: “2023-10-02T06:49:02.186Z”,
“createDate”: “2023-10-02T06:48:44.475Z”,

Sorry, that isn’t valid when pasted into

Could you format your JSON by editing three backticks ``` before and after the code, like this:

input/output bundle goes here

or use the format code button in the editor:

Alternatively, you can save it as a bundle.json file, and upload it here.

Thank you!

1 Like
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