Get specific value from Array within a collection

Hi guys,

I have been looking at several topics on here but can’t seem to find the right answer or solution for my case.

I am receiving data to my webhook in the form of an array as per the picture below:

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 12.34.27

I am trying to set all the items from that array from 1 to 6 as variables but I can’t seem to figure out how to dit. I have tried array iterators and aggregators but cant seem to work it out.

Thanks a lot for the help,

Fyi, this is what I get from the interator but I am really strugglign to map or create variables from that.

If you want to just set them up as individual variables, then you don’t need an iterator.

You can use the built-in function get to retrieve the value at an array’s index.

e.g.: this will get the first item

{{ get(1.productList; 1) }}

For more information, see

  • Mapping – What is mapping? What can I map? ← CHECK THIS OUT
  • Mapping with arrays – How to map items in an array ← CHECK THIS OUT

Thank you so much that did the trick. Was complicating things for no reason.

Thanks again!