Hi All! Seriously confounded here.
I have 3 ASINs that I have the SCP module search for. I want the data from each ASIN input into a Google Sheets. Problem is, All 3 ASINs get slammed into the same Row (overwriting the previous ASIN). This is the case for update row or Bulk Update Rows. In the case of the bulk, all 3 rows end up with the same data (the last ASIN in the search module)
It works to add row. A new row is created for each ASIN. Problem is,I just want to update the rows.
I have tried several things, including Iterators, sending the search result through a router and each row its own “Update Row” module (always settles on the last ASIN). In the iterator case, I can get 3 separate rows generated, but each row overwrites by each subsequent ASIN.
Can’t do an individual search for each ASIN, as Seller central returns an error for number of authorizations exceeded.
I attempted to parse the data as through JSON, but that just gives me an error that the data isn’t proper JSON format.
I don’t know enough about this, but this seems like a Bug in the Google Sheets module.
This is the simplest thing I can think of to do with Make. Ultimately, I want to really dig into the Seller Central API to do what I really want to do. But, I can’t even get this to work.
A very gracious thank you for any help!
Chris Lund
You need to do a search on google sheets for each ASIN to find the row number and map each ASIN to the corresponding row.
Thank you!
To be clear, I am writing the ASIN value to the sheet at the same time. It shouldn’t matter where it is placed in the sheet since that placement is determined by the search order in the ASIN search module. I have no issue writing to a specific row. The challenge is that each ASIN is being written to every row, meaning the data from each ASIN is overwriting itself in each row until only the last ASIN’s data remains.
I’ve tried using an iterator to handle this, hoping it would separate the ASINs and write them to different rows. Unfortunately, this results in the same outcome as the Bulk Update mode—each row is filled with data from the last ASIN retrieved by the search module.
I’m now considering adding conditional logic, such as a Switch/Case setup, to filter the data by ASIN and ensure the correct data is written to the appropriate row. This approach, however, feels more like programming, which seems contrary to Make’s primary purpose as an automation tool. That said, I’m not opposed to it if necessary.
I also wonder if this issue stems from how Make handles carriage returns (CR) or row separation during batch updates. Ideally, each ASIN’s data should be treated like a new row entry in the Google Sheet. At present, it seems the row updates work like a text-based carriage return instead of creating new rows, leading to overwritten data. However, I’m not entirely sure if this is a bug in the system or simply my lack of understanding.
Unfortunately, I’ve nearly used up my 1000 operations in a single day and am worried I won’t have the chance to test these changes further.
Oh; an index for each ASIN from the data returned would be nice. And a way to apply it beyond just the row field. Again, less programatic in nature.
Would you be able to share some screenshots of your scenario and how your Google Sheets module is configured?
Is this with the update module or bulk update module?
I’m having a bit of trouble trying to visualize what your are explaining. So these are all new ASINs not currently on your google sheet or have they been entered in before?
The seller central module is giving you bundles correct? If so you need run each bundle through a google search module to find which row that ASIN populates. Then you map the row and the ASIN data on the google update row module. This should update each ASIN accordingly in your google sheets.
I was able to manage the scenario with only 54 operations left. I added a multi-Variable module after the iterator, and although I’m pulling the exact same values from the ASC module as I was for the Google Sheets module, this approach worked. I also had to implement some conditional logic within the iterator (that I tried first and didn’t work by itself.)
While I’m not an expert programmer, it seems that the Variables module operates in a different scope than the Google Sheets module. If the modules were simply passing parameters around, I would expect the behavior to be the same, but it isn’t.
That said, if Make.com is meant to appeal to users who aren’t familiar with coding, there should be a more intuitive way to handle this without resorting to code-like logic. For example, the Bulk Update module could automatically advance rows after processing each bundle, much like the Add Row function does. Alternatively, using “Carriage Return” (CR) or “Tab” tags should behave the way they do in typical spreadsheet applications, advancing to the next row or field accordingly.
This would significantly simplify tasks for users more accustomed to spreadsheet workflows and align with how they naturally interact with those tools.
I did try the Excel Module as well, but I couldn’t get it to connect even though on the MS365 side said that my 1 of 1 app connections are now activated (paraphrased.). So, I was unable to compare the behavior to see if it is just an issue with the google sheets module.
Donald, As you can see below, I was able to solve this. However, here is the screen shot of the version that was not working, as well as the GS results. Unfortunately, I am now down to 11 operations left. Which isn’t enough to run my current implementation again. Thank you!