Getting Stripe Transactions Amount

Which make module, is best for getting transactions from Stripe?

I want to fetch amount paid, like only for in which payment succeeded, date by date

I was previously using Stripe Invoices module, but its not giving me the correct data.

I am attaching the screenshot for your reference

Experts? Your thoughts on it?

@Msquare_Automation @samliew @Make_Bot
How To stripe google-sheets filters aggregators

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Hey, you may try with payment intents modules. You will see the charges also there.

Although, the data in your screenshot seems similar to the data from invoice module.

Msquare Automation - Platinum Partner of Make

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Thank you for the help

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@David_Czapor We are glad to know we could help and we appreciate your feedback.

Msquare Automation - Platinum Partner of Make