I had start API on google cloud consol platform and now when I use make (google drive) the part « Select the Folder to be Watched » tells me « failed to load data.
That’s because i need to wait or because i made a mistake on the google cloud consol ?
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Welcome to the Make community!
What is the error message? Did you set up the connection correctly?
1. Enable the API
Direct Link: Google Cloud console

2. Insert all the known Google Redirect URIs for your app
Direct Link: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials
How to create an OAuth app in GCP: https://www.make.com/en/help/tutorials/calling-google-apis-via-the--http-make-a-oauth-2-0-request--module ← FOLLOW THIS
Here are all the known redirect URIs you need for your Google Cloud Console OAuth app. If you set these up, you can reuse the same GCP app for other Google apps and modules on Make.
Once you’ve set these up, you can use/reuse the same Make connection for all the supported Google apps & modules on Make - you’ll only have to enable the respective APIs for your custom app in Google Cloud.
3. Publish your GCP OAuth2 app
Direct Link: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/consent
You might need to set your OAuth application to “Production”, otherwise the credentials expire very frequently.
1. To do this, go to menu item “OAuth consent screen”
or click here https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/consent
2. Then click the button below if the Publishing status is not “In production”
4. Configure the HTTP OAuth2 module
You need a “Authorize parameters” key of redirect_uri
with the above Make OAuth2 callback URL.
You can find the Client ID and Client Secret in the OAuth2 app you created in GCP, on the right-hand side of where you inserted the 8 callback URLs in step 2: