Hello there,
I am new to Monday and I am trying to work on a new automation. From a website form webhook, I capture the form info, convert to PDF, then save in Google Drive. Works great. But, where I am having the problem is once the PDf file is saved in Google Drive, I want to move that file to a specifc client folder. If the client doesn’t exisit, which probably be most of the time, I want to create a new folder, then copy the PDF file into that folder.
I tried using a Router with filter, but having any luck because I cannot figure out how to set the filters to check if the company already exists. If the company name exists, then I want to copy the PDF file that folder, if it doesn’t already exist, then I want to create a folder based on the company name and then copy that PDF file into the folder.
Any help would be appreciated!
@Bill_Campbell You need a Google Drive - Search Files/Folders and then the router like this.
For the router, check if the total number of bundles is greater than 0. This means the client exists.
If it’s = 0, the client’s name wasn’t found. So you create a new folder and then copy.
Thank you! That makes perfect sense. Ok, now the problem is, how do copy the file into the appropriate folder? I am using the Google Drive Move Files but there is no way I can see how to make sure that if the company file is call BillCampbell, that it will be moved into the BillCampbell foder. How do I identitfy which folder to move it to as I don’t see how to do that. It only allows me to pick a folder.
@Bill_Campbell, you can use the same Search Files and Folder to search for the BillCampbell file and then Search for the BillCampbell folder.
No matter what I try I cannot get it to work. I removed everything from my scenario and only have left modules up to the search files\folders. When I run this module it returns a result. But when I add a Copy or Move files for Google Drive, I keep getting a 404 error. It doesn’t make any sense. I have tried with a Router and without, nothing. There has to be something simple that I missing. It seems pretty straight forward.
Please help.
@Bill_Campbell the Original File ID is mapped incorrectly. Please toggle Map and then try.
Good morning,
I have tried changing that multiple times. I have mapped it to the file id and name, still get the 404 error.
@Bill_Campbell use the attached sample scenario.
blueprint-gdrive.json (13.3 KB)
@Ronak_Bhagdev - Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it. This is the problem, I have created the scenario, I can find the pdf file with the Search, but cannot MOVE or COPY the file, it keeps giving me a 404 error. I have tried with a Router and without the Router.
I imported your sample scenario, but there is no configuration info, so, unfortunately, it doesn’t help me. I have attached my current full scenario.
Please advise as I am stuck.
@Bill_Campbell could you please upload your blueprint here?
Sure. Here you go.
blueprint (1).json (61.6 KB)
@Bill_Campbell is it a 404 error or a 403 error?
@Ronak_Bhagdev - It was a 404 error, I honestly cannot figure this out. Any chance we can do a screen share of something?
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@Ronak_Bhagdev Thank you very much for your help in getting this resolved! The problem was that I was using the wrong File ID. I should have been using the File ID of the Search File/Folders bundle and also had the company name mapped from the wrong bundle.