Google Drive Search for a file/folder module and query

What are you trying to achieve?

Hello all,

I`m getting started with make workflow.

Ive got a problem to writte down correct query to get SKU values. Here is the configuration of my module. In a google drive search for a file/folder in query field I added query which is highlited however its not matching my SKU from google sheet

I will be really greatful if someone can suggest way forward. Sorry if the question is silly but I spent few hours without getting any result. What I know that if I provide static name of the file workflow is working fine so the problem is the query

Best regards

Steps taken so far

I tried various combinations
name contains {{31.SKU (C)}}
name contains {{31.2}}

And the others nothing is working.

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

Image files in my google drive matching with SKU names