Google Sheet Date Comparison Error

Hi there,

I am trying to add my sales data from Google Sheet to a Notion Database - I am only adding sales that are starting in the next 15 days. The column Sale end date (C) contains date types DD/MM/YYYY and the same for Notion. Why is this comparison not working? Would appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Cesar_Dori ,

For this the date you are parsing needs to be DD/MM/YYYY as a string as shown in the screenshot below.

More information on this is in make help for date time functions:

David Dallyn
Systems Engineer

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Thanks a lot David, it fixed it. Last issue I have is when comparing my timestamp to filter out the sales to update - I am trying to update only sales that have a last updated timestamp within the last 30 minutes. I tried applying parseDate with addMinutes but it still gave me sales updated 3 days ago. If you have any idea on how to solve this, let me know!


Hi @Cesar_Dori ,

A few things I’ve noticed:

  • The functions “parseDate” is specifically used for taking string and converting to a date datatype.

  • The variable “{{now}}” is already in a date format so that could just be {{addHours(now;-1)}} on its own.

  • The filter used here is only considering the time and not the date of it also, what you need is the “Datetime operator: Greater than or Equal to” in this case.

Let me know if the above helps.

Kind Regards,

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