Google Sheets Data Transfer Between Sheets

Hello Make community. I am quite new to this platform and need help to finalize the scenario I’m working on.

I have a Google Spreadsheet “Add a Row” module that sequentially inputs a series of parameters row by row into Sheet 1. However, I need to transfer this information to Sheet 2 of the same document, as it contains text and requires specific cells.


  • Export column A from Sheet 1, starting from cell A2, to the combined columns “J:L” beginning in row 10 (cell “J10:L10”) in Sheet 2. Therefore, cell A3 in Sheet 1 would be exported to “J11:L11” and so on, dynamically.
  • The same process for exporting column B from Sheet 1, starting from cell B2, to the combined column range “N:R” in Sheet 2, beginning from cell “N10:R10”.

What would be the best way to execute this process?

Is there any way to make this process shorter or more efficient by directly inputting the parameter values into the specific configuration of Sheet 2 without going through the “Add a Row” module that sequentially adds the data?

Thanks in advance for the support :slight_smile: