Google sheets description rewriting with multiple columns as the inputs

What are you trying to achieve?

I’m trying to pull data from multiple columns in one row of google sheets to feed in specific information to chatGPT

Steps taken so far

I tried using google sheets->Array aggregator->Iterator->OpenAI->Google sheets. I was able to get it to pull the information I needed into the openAI module and enter it into sequential rows in the sheet, but I cant get it to pull anything but the data from the first row. It just continually rewrites the information from the first row into the new rows output column.

I also tried skipping the array aggragator, but then it kept rewriting it in the same row. I’m on hour 10 of this and I’m stumped.

Hello @Littlebeard and welcome to the Make Community!

So are you trying to read from Google Sheets, run data through OpenAI then write other data back to Google Sheets?

Do you have a detailed diagram and/or explanation of how you would like your scenario to work?

Google Sheets, when you read rows, will output one bundle per row.
Then the Array Aggregator takes all those bundles and creates one big array from that.
Iterator then breaks that array back into individual bundles. You probably don’t need this unless you intend to use the array later for some lookups, etc…
Lastly, the OpenAI and Google Sheets (I’m assuming write), are both going to run for each bundle produced by the Iterator. Is that your intention?

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