Google Sheets oauth2 connection issue

It all started with timeout issues writing data to Google Sheets. I then researched further and realized that there was an issue with the oauth2 access to Google. I followed the tutorial published by user @SamLiew here, and still no success. I read that I had to add a / to the end of my authorized redirect URIs, so I did that. Regardless, I still get an Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch. The details state that this is the culprit: Request details: redirect_uri= flowName=GeneralOAuthFlow

I am at a loss at what to do next. I’ve gone through and checked that everything is spelled correctly (since typos can lead to all kinds of things) and I don’t know what to do next.


Replying to myself because I’ve gotten this fixed. In case it helps someone else, I added a new Google connection and replaced all of my references to my Google Sheet with that new connection and things seem to be working. :crossed_fingers:

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