Google suddenly blocking all my Make operations involving uploads to Google Drive

Is anyone having this issue? I had our dev write a PHP script and still received the error. Nothing has changed in our end. Is anyone aware of a recent update (or more importantly remdiation) for this issue?

[429] Sorry… but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now.

Same issue happening here

I thought it was only me, but no. Looking forward for a solution. Trying to switch to dropbox ou oneteam if this issue persists. Such annoying.

the only thing I know is that they mention “automation” at the bottom of the message in the link you provided.

Following - same issue here.

This error is being tracked on the Make status page: Make Status - Google Drive (upload a file) returns error

Hello @here :wave:

Thank you for raising this issue here. We are sorry for all the inconvenience and trouble this issue has caused.

Our devs detected that the issue was caused on Google’s side and luckily it has already been resolved.

Thank you

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I have the same issue too “but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now.”

Not resolved for me. Still receiving this on all my Google Drive queries: “but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now.”


Same happening here again

Hi Vendy, the issue is occurring again.

I have the same issue, please resolve ASAP.

Just cancelled my subscription, can I rely on

I am having the same issue… do we know if this is being worked?


It would appear this is back… has anyone reported this again?

Same here — 429 error for four days now across multiple organizations — didn’t realize it wasn’t me and spent an hour troubleshooting OAUTH before checking the forum.

Sufficed to say, phone won’t stop ringing off the hook from angry staff.

Same issue impacting my scenarios

It’s frustating, today I woke up with my cell with a huge amount of calls on my phone, all beacuse this issue. I haven’t used for long time, but I think this occur before, the problem was solved by make itself or I need o took some administrative action on google workspace console?

same issue here since a couple of days now

502. That’s an error.

The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.

Please try again in 30 seconds. That’s all we know.

Nothing we can do Bruno. Some people switched to EU1 server. Apparently the issue is on US1 server. Such a pain, many customers calling me too.