Thank you so much for your video!!! I really appreciate the effort you made to explain everyhing! it’s super clear!
So, here are my remarks
you did well to grab the result, using the Watch and then Download a result.
The “Data” you see is in Encoded format. To transform it to a JSON string, you need to use the toString() function of Make.
The function is here
If you run this, you should get an Array with all the records that were found. I couldn’t test on my side, since I didn’t manage to refresh the cookie in Phantombuster, so my Json is empty
Can you try it, and show me the output of the Parse JSON? It will help me figure out what you next need to achieve.
For the Google Spreadsheet, what you showed “sheet” is the list of sheets you want to create in the spreadsheet you are creating; it’s useless in your case.
And you did well; maybe later you could create from a template in order to have a header, even if you could create one manually from Make… But let’s first try and fill the rows
So, you will be able to keep the Create a Spreadsheet, and you will add a sheet called “data” or what you want
Then you will need an Iterator, and a Google Sheets / Add a Row. The iterator will be used to split items in your Json Array into Bundles: and then Add a row will be executed for each item.
Add a row will use the ID of the spreadhsheet you just created
It will look like this
your “Drive/Upload a file” is useless.
At the end you may need to Move the new spreadsheet, but let’s see this after.
So, first, can you try the Parse JSON with toString() and show what the data looks like?