Help me connect GraphQL based API via the OAuth 2.0


I am trying to create a new app that I use for my business called Jobber, but I am really having a hard time as I’m pretty new at this. Jobber has provided the following information for the integration:

API Queries and Mutations
Make an Endpoint Request
Jobber's API is GraphQL based. This means all API requests are sent via POST to the following URL:

To make a successful request you must include a header with the Authorization key, and a value consisting of the access token you received via the OAuth 2.0 flow prepended with the word 'bearer'. See the example curl request below.

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" ""
Assuming the access token is valid, the API will process the request according to its API specifications. If the access token is invalid, the API will return a 401 "invalid_request" error.

API Queries
In order to request data from the API you will need to include a GraphQL query in the payload of your API request.

Query Example:

 "query": "query SampleQuery {
    clients {
      nodes {
        billingAddress {
 "operationName": "SampleQuery"

API Mutations
Any time you would like your app to modify any data in Jobber, a GraphQL mutation will be required.

Mutation Example:

 "query": "mutation SampleMutation {
      input: {firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe", companyName: "Jane's Automotive",
      emails: [{description: MAIN, primary: true, address: ""}]}
  ) {
    client {
    userErrors {
 "operationName": "SampleMutation"

For more on how to use GraphQL see the Official guides.

Steps I’ve taken:

  1. My Apps > Create a New Connection > OAuth 2 (authorization code)
  2. This is how I modified the code
	// Step 1: OAuth2 authorization request for Jobber
	"authorize": {
		"url": "",
		"qs": {
			"scope": "{{join(oauth.scope, ',')}}",
			"client_id": "MYJOBBERCLIENTID",
			"redirect_uri": "{{oauth.redirectUri}}",
			"response_type": "code"
		"response": {
			"temp": {
				"code": "{{query.code}}"

	// Step 2: OAuth2 token request for Jobber
	"token": {
		"url": "",
		"method": "POST",
		"body": {
			"code": "{{temp.code}}",
			"client_id": "MYJOBBERCLIENTID",
			"grant_type": "authorization_code",
			"redirect_uri": "{{oauth.redirectUri}}",
			"client_secret": "MYJOBBERSECRETID"
		"type": "urlencoded",
		"response": {
			"data": {
				"accessToken": "{{body.access_token}}"
		"log": {
			"sanitize": [

	// Use the obtained access token to make GraphQL queries and mutations
	"graphql": {
		"url": "",
		"method": "POST",
		"headers": {
			"Authorization": "Bearer {{body.access_token}}"
		"body": {
			"query": "query SampleQuery { clients { nodes { id firstName lastName billingAddress { city } } totalCount } }",
			"operationName": "SampleQuery"
		"response": {
			"data": {
				// Modify this section based on the expected data structure from the GraphQL query
				"clients": "{{body.clients}}"
		"log": {
			"sanitize": ["request.headers.authorization"]

What am I missing? How do I verify if it is working correctly or if it isn’t? Thank you in advance for your help!! I really need it.

Hello Andrea,

I would try the below code instead:

(the last call should rather be named “info” and the token in the last call should be accessed via “connection.accessToken” instead)

	// Step 1: OAuth2 authorization request for Jobber
	"authorize": {
		"url": "",
		"qs": {
			"scope": "{{join(oauth.scope, ',')}}",
			"client_id": "MYJOBBERCLIENTID",
			"redirect_uri": "{{oauth.redirectUri}}",
			"response_type": "code"
		"response": {
			"temp": {
				"code": "{{query.code}}"

	// Step 2: OAuth2 token request for Jobber
	"token": {
		"url": "",
		"method": "POST",
		"body": {
			"code": "{{temp.code}}",
			"client_id": "MYJOBBERCLIENTID",
			"grant_type": "authorization_code",
			"redirect_uri": "{{oauth.redirectUri}}",
			"client_secret": "MYJOBBERSECRETID"
		"type": "urlencoded",
		"response": {
			"data": {
				"accessToken": "{{body.access_token}}"
		"log": {
			"sanitize": [

	// Use the obtained access token to make GraphQL queries and mutations
	"info": {
		"url": "",
		"method": "POST",
		"headers": {
			"Authorization": "Bearer {{connection.accessToken}}"
		"body": {
			"query": "query SampleQuery { clients { nodes { id firstName lastName billingAddress { city } } totalCount } }",
			"operationName": "SampleQuery"
		"response": {
			"data": {
				// Modify this section based on the expected data structure from the GraphQL query
				"clients": "{{body.clients}}"
		"log": {
			"sanitize": ["request.headers.authorization"]