Help with Collections, Arrays, etc

I have a collection:

In the next step I need the ID above and Price (which I get from somewhere else)

Instead of doing this item by item manually, I want to Map, because there could be 1 to x variants:

How would I do this?

You need to use an Iterator which will iterate over each item. But we need more details of your process to better understand what you’re actually trying to do.

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Wrong. You have multiple bundles.

Every result (item/record) from a search/match module will output a bundle. To “combine” them into a single structure, you’ll need to use an aggregator of some sort.

Aggregators are modules that accumulate multiple bundles into one single bundle. An example of a commonly-used aggregator module is the Array aggregator module. The next popular aggregator is the Text Aggregator which is very flexible and has applies to many use-cases.

There are other types of aggregator modules, click the below links to find out more:

The Array Aggregator module allows you to build a complex array of collections for a later module’s field to map multiple items (collections) to it.

Here is an example of using the “Target structure type” of an Array Aggregator module:

As you can see, the “Map” toggle on fields are used when you have an array. You can easily build an array variable to map to a field, by using an Array Aggregator module and select the “Target Structure Type” as the future field you want to map the array into.