Help with debugging a bundle validation error

This scenario has been working for months and has suddenly started causing an error without any intervention from me.
It is designed to take a new service in our CRM and create a new invoice in our accounts package.

The error is a bundle validation error and occurs whether the scenario needs to create a new invoice or amend an existing one. This is the error but see also the screenshot.


Validation failed for 2 parameter(s).

  • Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘integer’)
  • Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘integer’)

I can’t find what these “integer” objects are. I have checked that every value passed to the block that is causing the error are properly referenced and are not “null” for instance.

How can I debug this further - I’ve been on it for 2 days now. Any help is much appreciated.

Welcome to the Make community!

Could you please share screenshots of the module fields and filters in question? It would really help other community members to see what you’re looking at.

You can also export the scenario blueprint file to allow others to replicate the issue. At the bottom of the scenario editor, you can click on the three dots to find the Export Blueprint menu item.


Uploading it here will look like this:

blueprint.json (12.3 KB)

If possible, could you also please provide the input/output bundles of the modules by running the scenario, then clicking the bubble on the top-right of each module, taking screenshots of, and copying the contents into this discussion thread:


This will allow others to better assist you. Thanks!


Thanks for your help.
This was the first MAKE scenario I made so it’s not very elegant and does nopt do everything I want it to- I would probably do things different now but haven’t had the time whilst it’s been working all this time. There are sometimes some data overwrites that are annoying and always corrections to make in the accounts package but at least we don’t miss any invoices.

The flow is:
(1) watch for a new service (deal)

to be created in Freshsales (our CRM - a service relates to any job we do for a client that will result in an invoice).
(16,26,20,21,22,23,24,34) As series of tools that checks certain parameters for Null values and inserts a hyphen symbol if Null - leaves it alone if it contains a value.
(4) Searches the CRM for a client that is attached to the service.
(10) Searches Quickfile (our accountancy package) to see if the client from 4 already exists.

Router (11) (8) creates a new client in Quickfile if not exists
(17) creates a new invoice for the just-created client based on all the data
in (1) (FAILS)

                      (13)  if client does exist - update the client with new data from (1)
                      (32)  if client does exist - search for all invoices related to that client.

Router (31) (28) if an invoice with the same name as (1) already exists - update it with the
data in (1) (FAILS)
(42) if an invoice with the same name as (1) does not exist - create it with all the
data from (1) (FAILS)

So basically, it works until it has to write to either a new or an existing invoice.

More to follow…

blueprint.json (185.3 KB)

The input/output bundles for the failed module show 0 bytes !


Did you ever resolve this issue?

We have the exact same error when trying to create an invoice in Quickfile.


Not yet resolved but the team at Make state they have found an issue and a fix should be in place soon.


Obviously I spoke too soon - the team at Make don’t seem to be making any headway and we are losing money because a central part of our business workflow has failed.
We are less than happy about this situation.

How are you mapping the fields in module [17]? I asked for this previously because I don’t have a QuickFile account.

Thanks samliew, I thought I had provided this information in my reply on 20th Septemeber.

I don’t now think it is anything to do with how I am mapping the fields in module 17 because the same error occurs when all the required fields are hardcoded with no dependencies on other modules. It seems to be an API issue.


Very frustrating, only discovered last month and looked ideal, but without the API working will have to look for alternative solutions to automate QF.

If you do get it working again, please update this thread.


Hello everyone @here

Thank you very much for raising this issue here in the community.

I just wanted to quickly step and confirm that our dev team is aware of the problem related to the QuickFile > Create an Invoice module. They are actively investigating the issue to determine the most effective approach for resolving it and will work to deploy a fix as soon as possible.

I will keep an eye on this issue and will make sure to post an update here in this thread as soon as any new information becomes available. If you would prefer to receive updates directly in your email inbox, please open a support ticket with our team so that we can notify you when there’s news to share.

I understand that this is frustrating and I am genuinely sorry for the trouble this has caused you and for any inconvenience it has brought to your workflows.

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding :pray:


Hi Michaela,

Any news on this? nearly two months have passed since Garry first posted.

Many thanks

Hello @redsy thanks for your question.

Currently, there’s no significant update just yet. Our dev team is working to pinpoint the root cause of the issue and once they’ve nailed it down, they will promptly roll out a fix. As mentioned earlier, I’ll make sure to post an update here as soon as the fix goes live.

In the meantime, the most viable workaround is to use the “Make an API Call” module and configure the request manually.

I am truly sorry for any frustration and trouble this might be causing. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding :pray: