Hey friends
I use an Iterator and a text aggregator in order to combine the meetings from all the calendars.
I get the following output -
I would like to add 1. 2. 3. etc. before each meeting + its time.
That is, it will appear in the case of the current example like this -
טל וזרם
איתי and Maayan Levy
That is, before each array that will add its number.
My text aggregator looks like that -
Is it possible?
Every result (item/record) from a search module will output a bundle. To “combine” them into a single structure, you’ll need to use an aggregator of some sort.
Aggregators are modules that accumulate multiple bundles into one single bundle. An example of a commonly-used aggregator module is the Array aggregator module. The next popular aggregator is the Text Aggregator which is very flexible and has applies to many use-cases.
You are doing something very similar to RSS Feeds - Operations are multiplying - #6 by Donald_Mitchell, see if you need an aggregator after each Search module.
samliew – request private consultation
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Thanks for your answer but I don’t see how that answers my question?
@sosimple did you ask a question in this thread?
samliew – request private consultation
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I’m not sure what you mean.
I posted a question, you didn’t answer it.
Did you see the question I asked?
Maybe I’m missing something?
Nope, I don’t see it. Your first message in this thread is
So I don’t know what “question” you are referring to.
Perhaps you should start a new thread for your question, instead of replying to this thread by Itay_Zerem?
samliew – request private consultation
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bro you comment on my post where I ask that question - " How can I add a number dynamically according to the amount of arrays?"
and I had a question that I posted -
and you answered to me something way different
so Maybe I am confuse or maybe you are
@samliew ok I see the confusion!!
I posted with a different account!
Thanks for your answer but I don’t see how that answers my question?
(that is me from the other accont)
Hello @Itay_Zerem,
Have you read the other post @samliew linked to?
Basically, you may need to add an array aggregator after each Google Calendar, then in the Iterator use merge() to combine all the arrays that come from the array aggregators, then you’ll have everything you need to build the output you want.
What does the output look like from one of those Google Calendar modules?
Each is producing only 1 bundle; is that because you have set a limit of 1 or because the search parameters are so restrictive it can only ever find a single result?
Next time please don’t use multiple accounts to post, and avoid starting more than one thread for the same question.
Let’s continue the discussion here, where you have started a new thread and I have answered your question there:
I use an Iterator and a text aggregator in order to combine the meetings from all the calendars.
I get the following output -
I would like to add 1. 2. 3. etc. before each meeting + its time.
That is, it will appear in the case of the current example like this -
- טל וזרם
- איתי and Maayan Levy
That is, before each array that will add its number.
My text aggregator looks like that -
Is it possible?
Before the Value variable, insert Bundle order position variable with a period.
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samliew – request private consultation
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Bro I appreciate your responses but you don’t read my question to the end and answer before.
A. I’m not new to make.com - I’ve been using it for over two years.
B. I can’t use “Bundle order position” because there is a filter after the Array Aggregator that only pulls the entries with value and therefore the Bundle order position is not necessarily consistent.
In that case, you will need to use an Array Aggregator first, then another pair of Iterator and Text Aggregator pair with my provided example.
The alternative is use a Increment module after the filter, but this potentially uses more operations.
samliew – request private consultation
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