I have a huge scenario, where I have to zoom many times over to see everything. The problem, is sometimes there is an error where the scenario fails to initialize due to an “invalid reference in parameter…”
Specifically, here is my current error I’m dealing with:
- Invalid reference in parameter ‘text’ of module ‘builtin:BasicAggregator’: Variable ‘425.text’ references not existing module ‘425’.
MAKE does not seem to provide a way to ‘jump to’ the error, or see what is causing the error in the scenario. So I’m left clicking on every bubble until I can find a missing link to a (most likely) deleted step that was not remapped. There has to be a faster way to do this. Am I missing something?
TLDR: How the heck do I quickly find the error behind my ‘Scenario validation failed’ when something references a not existing module?