How I can set up a BETWEEN condition that requires an array of two values in a filter?

Hello, this kind of silly rookie question, but I’m trying to get a set of deals from HubSpot that have a close date between 03/01/2023 to 07/30/2023 in to a google sheets spreadshet. I use the HubSpot CRM Search for a deal module.

The problem is that I don’t know how to set up properly the filter option between this range of dates. I’m trying to do it, but obviously went wrong
Array Between

Did you solve this problem? I’m dealing with the same error :sweat:

I managed to solve this by using Make function to create an array

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The solution is to employ two conditions, and when both conditions are satisfied, you will obtain the deals that fall within the desired range.

@Freddy_A refer to this solution.

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