How to access a shared OneDrive file?


I’m trying to list worksheet rows by using the “Microsoft 365 Excel: List Worksheet Rows” module.

To specify the Excel file in OneDrive, there are initially two options for the selection method; “Enter an ID manually” and “Select from the list”.

Then, there are three options for the OneDrive location; “My Drive”, “Site’s Drive”, and “Group’s Drive”.

Another team member created an Excel file in his drive and shared the Excel file with me with the rights to make changes, and I would like to list the worksheet rows of this shared Excel file. But, I don’t know how I can specify this file in the module.

If there is an option something like “Shared with me”, it might be easier to specify the file, but there is no such option.

Is it possible to access files shared by someone else with Edit access from the Microsoft 365 Excel module? If so, how? It would be great if someone can shad lights here.

Or, such files have to be created under Site’s or Group’s Drive?

Thank you very much!


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