How to add attachment to attachment field, not replace

I am trying to add (not replace) a file to an attachments field in SmartSuite. I’ve done it before but for some reason I am stuck with this method.

The webhook receives a file name and URL which I put into an array in the Parse JSON module

I get the current SmartSuite record which provides the attachment field as an array of collections.


In the variable module I am trying to merge the two arrays (SmartSuite array and Parse JSON array) but only the Parse JSON array data is merged. However, their is an output in the SmartSuite module.

What am I doing wrong or is there a better method to get the file from the webhook updated in SmartSuite without replacing the current fields?

Thanks in advance.

What does 5.array contain exactly?

Instead of using the merge function, you can also use the add function if you are adding single items to an array (don’t create an array for the new item).

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