How to avoid duplicates in create record in Airtable

Hi everyone.

Can someone giving me a tip on how to avoid duplicates in this scenario?

Basically, I’m getting some files from a Google Drive Folder and I want to add the file_id to an Airtable column.

It works, but when I run again the scenario, it adds new rows again with the same file_ids.

I have added a filter where the logic is this:
Video ID column in airtable: {{238.ID video (da Google Drive)}}
Does not contain
File ID from Google Drive: {{}}

But it keeps adding them.

Also did something similiar, but with Google Sheet and it was working perfectly.

Don’t know why it is not working with airtable.

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Hi Ionut,

Please clarify what formula you have in the Search Records module. Do you search for an existing file?

Can you send the screenshots of the scenario executions for a Search module input/output and filter after the Search module?

Hi @ponvaskon

I’m not actually using any formula on this, cause I want to get all the records in that table so I can see if the record is already in that video ID column

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@Ionut_Tudorache, does one Airtable column contain multiple file IDs?

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Hi @Ionut_Tudorache
You can search for VideoId within the search module in the formula field, as shown in the screenshot. If no results are found, you can add a filter where the total bundle of operations equals zero before creating a record. This will help prevent duplicates.

Best regards,
Msquare Automation
Platinum Partner of Make


No, it doesn’t.

I should have just 1 video ID per column (that is the single file ID in the G Drive folder)

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@Ionut_Tudorache, in this case, you should use the search formula as @Msquare_Automation suggested and only proceed if the record ID doesn’t exist.


Hi @Msquare_Automation

It works perfectly.

Thank you!! I’ll remember this!


Yes, tested it and it works perfectly!

Thank you!!


Hi @Ionut_Tudorache

Glad to know that your issue is resolved now. Feel free to reach out if you have further queries.

Best regards,
Msquare Automation
Platinum Partner of Make