How to Convert Airtable Bundle Infos to Multiple Array Strings for Invoice

Hello, I was having a hard time setting up an automation. Apparently I used airtable search records so that it would return specific records. I got 3 bundles of data, however when I used aggregator and put the field into a document generating module, only 1 data is being transferred.

My desired output is a bunch of multiple fields like this:


IDs = 1,2,3
Items = 1,2,3
Prices = 1,2,3
Ship Dates = 1,2,3

etc. you get the picture so that I can paste that array to the document generating module field.
but the problem is that I couldn’t even get the bundles and their information combined into an array. What do you think is the best approach?

2nd photo only shows 1D:


You might want to check out the Aggregators and Iterators course in the Make Academy (Introduction to Iterators and Array Aggregators) it covers those topics.

The aggregator takes multiple bundles and makes a single bundle out of them. The iterator does the opposite.

In your case, it looks like you would need an iterator over your bundles… but I’m not sure. It might be more complex than that. It’s unclear to me what your example is trying to show. Can you explain with real data?


“array”: [
“PO Number”: “Forma-Ir4tcBO0”,
“Course Name”: [
“Rebecca Farrell”
“Custom Total”: 55.49,
“Shipped Date”: “2024-06-28”,
“Product Items”: “1 - The Dart 2.0- Pink”,
"Shipping Date ": null,
“Custom Unit Price”: [
“Forma Remove Prefix”: “Ir4tcBO0”,
“Custom Shipping Price”: 10,
“(Link Key) Course Name”: [
“PO Number”: “Forma-ki1BCqEs”,
“Course Name”: [
“Dan Rodriguez”
“Custom Total”: 114.99,
“Shipped Date”: “2024-06-28”,
“Product Items”: “1 - The Sound Stick- Navy”,
"Shipping Date ": null,
“Custom Unit Price”: [
“Forma Remove Prefix”: “ki1BCqEs”,
“Custom Shipping Price”: 10,
“(Link Key) Course Name”: [
“PO Number”: “Forma-ltkMzgNh”,
“Course Name”: [
“Shreekar Bhattarai”
“Custom Total”: 55.49,
“Shipped Date”: “2024-06-28”,
“Product Items”: “1 - The Dart 2.0- Green”,
"Shipping Date ": null,
“Custom Unit Price”: [
“Forma Remove Prefix”: “ltkMzgNh”,
“Custom Shipping Price”: 10,
“(Link Key) Course Name”: [

This is an output bundle from airtable search record >> Aggregators.
As you can see its already in 1 bundle, however they are not in proper arrays. Like I want Customer Name to be: X, X, X then SHipping price would be: 10,10,10 etc. I tried converting them to JSON, parsing them, aggregate, they wont produce a string where they are X,X,X because I need that to generate a document that will later on make rows for those unique arrays.

Hmm, I haven’t found a solution. I suspect you may need a combination of text aggregators and possibly table aggregators. But I’m not sure and I don’t have the bandwidth to look deeper just yet.

Hopefully someone else can solve it. Or if you have progress, you can share and someone might see the missing piece.


Screenshot 2024-07-14 002133

I made some progress and was able to make an array for all of these. however when I put that into map in the documint integration, it recognizes that there are 5 data however the actual text is not found? Any thoughts? Also when I remove the Array(), it wont recognize the Parsed JSON to be an array, if I aggregate it, theres no way to isolate the IDs from the bunch and group them as is.