How to Convert attachment from mailhook in binary code to recieve data?

Hello !,
My goal is to get data stored in binary code which i get when i send exported data on mailhook from wordpress plugin which export data from woocommerce:

So my main question is that in this code is stored data like: “customer, billing address etc.”, and I need to know how i can decode it to get data which are stored there ?

Thank you so much for your answers !

Hey There @Maciej_Walentynowicz ,
Can you share the output bundle .

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Hi @Maciej_Walentynowicz

Please try by using toString function {{toString({{data}}; “base64”)}}

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You can use the XML “Parse XML” module for this.

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Thank You All, I used toString, then split and finnaly pare XML to get effect I wanted, so all of you combined were helpful ! Thank you !