Hi all,
I am currently building a scenario with Google Ads Custom Reports to fetch the Change History of Google Ads Accounts and their corresponding campaigns.
1 issue I am having with this (as I feed this data into GPT-4 to create a report) is that the data I put into GPT-4 is exceeding the request limit. This issue lies because there are a bunch of values in a Text Aggregator module that I am using to aggregate the Google Ads data where it is responding back with Headers that hold no values.
Here is an example:
Array Aggregator Example response:
User Email: Test@gmail.com
Ad Group Name: Awesomeadgroup
Ad Group Criterion Status:
Ad Group Criterion Keyword Match Type:
Ad Group Criterion Keyword Text:
Client TypeChange Resource Type:
Change Event, Changed Fields:
Change Event, Resource Change Operation:
Currency Code:
Account ID:
Within this response you can see that not all of the headers have a corresponding value (e.g. User Email: CORRESPONDING_VALUE e.g. test@gmail.com)
With multiple of these headers and no values, they are coming to exceed the GPT token limit because there are too many requests in a short period of time.
I am wondering if anyone knows how I can exclude headers that do not have any values next to them.
Everytime I run the scenario as well the data Is different with different headers. I have put in dynamic values of all the possible headers that come through the custom report change history which is where I am getting headers with no values because not always is a dynamic value going to have an actual value because the data being parsed through each time is different
This is just a short snippet of what is in the Text aggregator module
I need to write in the headers (or have them included somewhere) so that ChatGPT can interpret the data to give an accurate report
Would love to get some help on this, I have been struggling to find a solution for a while now