How to open file in new browser window?

Hey :slight_smile:

I have a secnario that creates various documents (invoices, contracts, etc.) and uploads them to my Google Drive.

Is it possible that the document will open in a new browser window of the user who triggered the automation? I don’t know if this would be possible and how to build the “bridge” between Make and the browser?

Thanks for any input!

If your scenario is triggered by a webhook, you can use the webhook response module with a properly set up HTTP 303 response (redirect). To launch new tab you must inject basic JS code.

However, if you want to control the user’s web browser to open a new tab with the results of an automation triggered in the background, that is impossible within Make itself. You would need to code your own app/browser plugin to act as an endpoint, which could run macros and control the system.

Have a nice day,

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