Hi everyone! I cannot wrap my head around this issue. What I am trying to do - update gender and name in a Google sheet, if a certain row does not contain those values. The issue here is that the HTTP requests fail sometimes. When that happens, all that should happen is to update one field in the Google sheet.
Now I filter the first module based on a value of a column where I check if this row has been processed yet or not. The issue I have - since I don’t really know how to place Ignore and Routers - that I cannot figure out how to update that value in Google Sheet in the case that HTTP has failed.
I hope this explanation makes any sense, super thankful for any advice!
As you see, the Ignore ran once but the Google sheet was not updated in this one case - meaning I would keep on running the scenario for this case indefinitely.
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Hi @Tim_Schulz,
To start off, if you are aware that an API might fail (which is a temporary error I suspect), it is best to implement a Break error handler: https://www.make.com/en/help/errors/error-handlers/break-error-handler
If the API should fail, the bundle is marked as incomplete execution and will be tried at a later time. It is similar to a retry.
Then subsequently you can setup the scenario to update the Google sheet as you please.
Thank you Henk!
Really appreciate your answer. I don’t think though, that the HTTP requests fail temporarily. Some of these websites I scrape are just not live/working anymore (and might never again) - our customer group is not the most tech savvy
But anyway, thanks for the idea with the Break, I will see if that helps me to build what I want!
Let me know if you have any more ideas/input. All the best!
Hi Tim!
Well, in the case you describe, you can be certain some API calls will keep failing.
Error routes can be used for processing and may contain filters. You can try to do something like this, to execute a route based on the output of the HTTP module or the content of the error:
I hope the screenshot is clear, but notice how an error route has all the possibilities of a normal route, except that it is only triggered when the underlying module produces an error. At the end of an error route, you can use any error handler you want.
Ahh okay I see, I didn’t know that you could just set up two routes from an HTTP module, I thought a router is always needed in such if/else cases. Really appreciate your advice here, will try it right away!
All the best and greetings from Sweden,
Yes! So there the general route, which bundles follow of no error occurs. And there is the error route, which logically will be followed in case of an error: https://www.make.com/en/help/errors/how-to-handle-errors-in-make/overview-of-error-handling-in-make#the-error-handling-route
You can even use routers in Error handling routes to process specific error with specific sub-error-routes. (use filters to identify errors)
Good luck and let us know the results
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Hi Henk, sorry to bother you about this again, but I wonder what I am doing wrong - I cannot “attach” two routes to the HTTP module as you suggested; see attached Loom: https://www.loom.com/share/a87a47c1c4c548c8b2ed8ab0b7267576?sid=68166c02-e6bc-4d93-8638-ae6fabce3b7f
It tries to create a router automatically for me.
BTW, I also cannot seem to put the trigger on the HTTP module, it won’t let me drag the clock onto that module (as in your screenshot above).
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Hi Tim,
You cannot use multiple general routes on any module. You can only use one general route and one Error Handling Route via right click:
A trigger (the start of a scenario) can only be placed on the first module in the scenario. If your HTTP module is the first scenario, you should unlink the Google Sheets module
You’re a hero Henk!
Now I got it to run through the route I want, depending if there’s an error or not.
Have a great weekend!
Cheers, Tim
Love what I see, @Tim_Schulz!
If this topic is resolved for you, you can mark any of my responses as solution:
Have a great weekend,
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Just FYI, here the final chain:
Big thanks again Henk!