Hi all,
Fairly new to make.com and so I am sure there’s a much more efficient way to do this.
I have an export that I’m fetching via HTTP request. I then need to add this data into a google sheet.
Its for a very basic stock report, so the columns are just SKU and Stock Status.
In the Google Sheet, I have a second sheet within the same doc with fixed Product Names etc in a properly styled sheet and index matching to pull the Stock Status from the other data sheet (the one make.com is updating).
The problem I have is that it users circa 180 operations to update every row. I’m running this every couple of hours so it adds up real quick.
I think there must be a way to just dump the whole thing in the second sheet?
Use the bulk add a row module instead of add a row.
You can reduce all 176 operations down to one operations.
You need to use an array aggregator and push that array to google sheets. aggregate the data the you are adding it will upload in order that the data is in in the array.
Pretty easy to use once you play around with it for a few minutes.
Thank you for your reply that seems to be exactly what I’m looking for!
However, when I try this, it just updates one cell within the Google Sheet with all the data. It’s not split into multiple rows.
Any idea how to solve? I have tried playing with Text Parser but I really have no idea how to get this to work.
Thanks again!
Can you share how you are doing it and the input to your google sheets.