How to resolve "Failed to communicate with URL provided" on even though challenge was successful?

I’m trying to add a webhook from my board to my Make scenario, but I keep encountering this error:

The challenge key is displayed as a string in a collection like so:

So I had to extract as a substring:

I set everything as so in my webhook response:

When I ran it again, I assumed that I’ll be able to set up the webhook successful now that I’ve returned the challenge, but I still get the “Failed to communicate with URL provided.” even though when I go back to my scenario, it shows no error and has successfully executed:

If I try to run the scenario again using existing data, I’ll get the “Failed to communicate with URL provided”.

If I try to run the scenario again using wait for new data, and then I go to and try clicking on “connect” to set up my webhook, I’ll get this error pop up instead:
The provided URL has not returned the requested challenge.

I tried refreshing both monday and make, and have verified my connection to Monday from Make + ensured my web connections are good.

Would appreciate any help, because I don’t want to use Make’s trigger as I’d like to save on operations and I would prefer a more specific trigger, thank you!

Hi there, the problem is the webhook module you are using. A while back they created a bunch of monday webhook modules, and at that time the Webhook version stopped working (don’t know the details of why). So create a new webhook using one of the monday modules - they all start with “Watch.” I usually use the least specific one “Watch Events” (at the very bottom of the modules list) because then I can still pick my specific trigger in monday. On the monday side, you’ll still select the Webhooks app as usual and select your trigger integration. Then just paste in the webhook addy given to you in the monday “Watch Events” module.

Many of the other monday webhook “Watch” modules that are more specific will create the webhook on the monday side all on their own, you don’t have to set up the trigger integration.