How to Retrieve Specific Outputs by Name in Odoo Make

I have 12 outputs in Odoo Make, as shown in the figure, but I’m only able to retrieve the first output. I would like to retrieve the outputs where the name is either “titre de séjour,” “pièce d’identité,” “passport,” “ID,” etc., and I’m not sure how to do that. Can you provide me with a solution?

Its an array so you need to use an iterator on the array.

When using the Iterator module, I find that there is only one output instead of the expected 12.


Can you share what is looks like.

Capture d’écran du 2024-09-10 16-41-06

No like the module of where you are getting that ouptut and what your are putting in.

Capture d’écran du 2024-09-10 16-59-05
