HTTP Body Not Accepted

Hi there guys

I’m trying to make a HTTP request but for some reason doesn’t like the body that I’m passing into the module

It works fine on Postman and other HTTP agents but for some reason make throws a 400 error with no real explanation

The key value pair i’m trying to pass is:

{“q”:“ (“relationship coach” OR “dating coach” OR “intimacy coach”) AND (”" OR “” OR “” OR “”)",“num”:100}

I’m thinking that Make doesn’t like the quotation marks or parenthesis for some reason

Pasted my blueprint below:
blueprint (1).json (30.3 KB)

Of course i’ve removed my API key values

Thanks in advance guys!

double quotes within a JSON string must be escaped.

  "q": " (\"relationship coach\" OR \"dating coach\" OR \"intimacy coach\") AND (\"\" OR \"\" OR \"\" OR \"\")",
  "num": 100

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


P.S.: Investing some effort into the Make Academy will save you lots of time and frustration using Make.

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Amazing, thanks @samliew !