I can't stop the loop

1.Photo ozmt91d.jpg
2.Photo pmkdo6j.jpg

Hello everyone,
I created the scenario you see, but when I click start once, it starts sending messages one after another. It goes into a loop. However, I want to send a message every 10 minutes or every 20 minutes. When I add a sleep, it takes more than 45 minutes, and the scenario closes. Even though I set the scheduling to 10 or 20 minutes, since the loop runs continuously, it doesn’t help either. How can I solve this issue?

I need an urgent solution to this issue. Thank you in advance for anyone who can help.

Hey, @Zafer_GUNAY

I can help you on this.
But for now I need to confirm that, If we got data in bundles.

If we got in bundles then we can use data store where we save bundle number, the process will be first it will search data store and pass the ‘bundle number’ + 1 every time and after that we will update bundle number in data store.

and now we can schedule scenario for every 10 or 20 min

Sachin Shrivastava

Thank you for your answer.
I regretted the membership I got for this reason. I hope I can figure it out.
Since I am very amateur, can you help me by giving some details or sending me a photo?

Just change scenario to run on schedule instead of on demand.

However you also need to check your HTTP feed URL. Currently it’s giving you a lot of data at once to process. Check if there’s a way to limit the number of results you get from it, for example there may be a parameter (&limit=10). Right now it’s getting a JSON with many many entries, and your scenario will try to process them all. The trick is to limit the number of results calling that URL will give you, and preferably, also a way to ensure the results you get each time are different from the previous.

I have subscribed to a paid membership, but I am unable to proceed due to a problem. Can you contact me regarding this issue?