I make a doc to pdf invoice, with sending email auto, I want when the cell is empty dont send a email

everytime i send a invoice that dont have email the scenario stop, i want to know if there is a option when the field is empty dont run the gmail function and keep the scenario running

You can set up a filter before the gmail module:


what a god, mate thats work thank you I as for 30 min looking all haha, thank you

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now when a email is entered shows error and stop, maybe i try to OR and dont exist?

Can you share a screenshot with the error it returns?

I Solved this with the first image, now when is empty dont run gmail section, and when is with email run. The second is when a fiels is empty in a sheets dont run sheets, and when is filled run and complete other sheets with the info. IDK why one tuns only with exist and the other need exist and dont exist. But is working

okay, dont stop the scenario but, email is not sending now. What i can do?

The first filter doesn’t make sense, it’s the same if you just remove it.
What does the second filter is expected to do?
It would be easier to understand what is happening if you could share a screenshot of your scenario along with what modules return and what is expected to happen.
I understand that you don’t want to send an email if email is missing. But besides that, it is not clear what data comes to that filter and what error it gives you.

this is the escenario

now put email and dont work gmail section

this is with email field complete

now this error happend with NO (is empty)gmail on the field

Does not exist - this means that the records with empty emails will pass it. That’s why it gives you an error.
And you goal is the opposite: only those where email exists should pass.

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so exist option okay

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done bro, idk i try this option first but now work xd, thank you

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