I need help with filtering time

Hey guys!
I have this scenario where a lead is added to my monday.com board it automatically runs the scenario

there is a router that divides into 3

  1. The 1st option runs when it is not friday or saturday and it’s after 07:00 am and before 21:00 pm

  2. The 2nd option runs when it’s not friday or saturday and it’s earlier than 07:00 am or after 21:00 pm-

  3. the 3rd option runs when it’s either friday or saturday

The problem I’m facing is the time filter
I can’t make the 1st and 2nd option pass work because it doesnt pass the filter

I’ll add screenshots to explain what I mean

I tried many option, couldnt make it work

I might be missing something. since this is my first month ever with automations overall

Thanks in advance for the help!
Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 14.00.04
Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 14.00.13

Hi @Team_FitByBen ,

Welcome to Make Community!

We have a solution for you, please check the below images and notes.

First Filter :- 1

Second Filter:-

Third Filter:-

When you are setting these filters, please ensure to verify the operator that you have used in the actual scenario with the above images. Sometimes it’s a Text operator and sometimes, it is a Datetime operator

We hope this is what you are looking for.

If you require additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
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Hey @Team_FitByBen There’s a small correction in above solution. DDDD will not give the day but “dddd” will.

Also time operator will be the better choice as per usecase.
You can refer this https://www.make.com/en/help/functions/tokens-for-date-time-formatting?_gl=1*1eenb1v*_gcl_au*NzM5MjM5Mjc3LjE3MTQzNzE2MjU.*_ga*MTUyNjU4MjI0OC4xNzE0MzcxNjI0*_ga_MY0CJTCDSF*MTcxODcxMzM3Ny4xNTcuMS4xNzE4NzEzMzg1LjUyLjAuMA
Updated filters
Filter 3

Filter 2

Filter 1

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