I want to retrieve in my google sheet the links to my images

I want to retrieve in my google sheet the links to my images that have been selected in a text, my problem is that the results come out in 4 operations with only one bundle each time, at the mapping level to then insert them in a google doc, I have only one element that encloses the 4 operations, I’m trying to separate the urls that flow from the result, thank you for your help.

Hi @Christophe_AL ,
So your text parser returned 4 bundles with different links, right? If yes, you can add an aggregator after the iterator that aggregates bundles into one and then use a bulk add row module for Google spreadsheets to send everything to the sheet.

Hi Vickswhat, the problem I’m having is that at the output of my iterator I have 4 operations with bundle 1, aggregator then sees only one…Thanks for your help.

Can you please share what exactly your text parser returns? How many bundles does it show?

I see now, thanks, so it found 4 matches and then you search them in the spreadsheet. And the iterator separates them into 4 operations which is expected. But you need just a list if those urls in the end, right?

The idea would be to separate the URLs at the end (output from the google sheet) to map them in a google doc with place holders.

So let’s say you have these 4 urls and you need to put them somewhere in a google doc. Should it be a single google doc with all 4 urls or each url goes into a separate doc?

a single google doc, the scenario consists in selecting the images of the acupuncture points that have been cited in the text. The google document receives the images to illustrate the information personalized with the points for each user, I may not have chosen the right method in the scenario, there may be simpler, Thanks again for helping me.

You method is fine, I just didn’t get the idea at the beginning, for some reason I thought you need to add urls into the spreadsheet.
So to get a list of url you can add an aggregator after the google sheets module.

Regarding the google doc, if you send urls there, it would most likely insert them as text. And to add actual images from these links, it can potentially be done through an api call and InsertInlineImageRequest.

Arrrggg I don’t have the same result at all, I’m attaching the captures of the whole scenario, I’m going to crack!

@Christophe_AL try it the following way:
After the text parser let’s add an aggregator:

Then there is an iterator mapped to the aggregator:

In google sheets the filter is set to match the fallback match but from the iterator:

And here is the aggregator that follows google sheets:

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Excellent, thank you very much vickwhat :pray::pray: it works :v:merci for your invaluable help