I'm looking for a professional to create automations for my audiovisual production company. Thank you! I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Busco profesional para crear automatizaciones en mi productora audiovisual. Gracias! soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

:us: I’m looking for a professional to create automations for my audiovisual production company. Thank you! I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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Hello @Pablo_Seco_Take, welcome to the make.com community, we are a group of freelancers and would love to work with you on this, you can book a call Here to disscuss the project requirements

Hola @Pablo_Seco_Take me encantaria darte una mano con esto. Por favor sentite libre de bookear una call aqui. 30 Min Meeting | Felipe Saucedo | Cal.com

PD: Tambien soy de argentina

:us: Hello @Pablo_Seco_Take, I’d love to give you a hand with this. Please feel free to book a call here: 30 Min Meeting | Felipe Saucedo | Cal.com.

P.S.: I’m also from Argentina.

Hello @Pablo_Seco_Take I will like to help build an automation for your audiovisual production. This is my Upwork .

Kindly order for my service. I will love to hear from you soon.

Hey @Pablo_Seco_Take,

I do live building sessions, where we can build your one scenario live. You learn how to build by yourself while at the same time, we are building your own solutions. Happy to have a 30mins conversation with no commitment showing you in practice how it works. This is my calendar link: Solve it in 30 mins | Dimitris Goudis | Cal.com

Dimitris Goudis | 3Nuggets