Good evening,
I’m mantaining a worflow for someone else and yesterday it started having problems due too a full data store to which I increased the memory.
In the mean time the executions were stored in the incomplede executions history, but they’re noted as successful even if they still have an error.
Also if I click resolve, it won’t let me do anything, there’s just this preview of where the error is, no option to run the scenario again.
For technical issues or bugs like this, directly contacting support can often lead to a faster resolution. They have access to your specific account details, scenario and scenario logs, server-side logs, and internal tools and resources, which allows them to investigate more thoroughly than what you have access to. Additionally, sharing sensitive information about your situation might not be suitable for an open forum discussion.
If you manage to get your issue resolved with support, we’d still love to hear about it! Sharing your solution on the forum can help others facing similar problems.