Increment Function don't reset value

I have a minimum scenario for show you a problem.
This problem is that the “increment function” don’t reset the value never. I change the option “reset a value after one cycle” or “reset a value after one scenario run”, and any option reset the value.
I attach blueprint, scenario screenshot and all the bundles.

Thank for your suppot

blueprint (9).json (2.9 KB)

Try putting another module as the trigger (don’t use the Repeater as the trigger module).


I need the scenario to start over every time it ends. How can I do it then? Is there any other way without having to use repeater?

I think I know what you’re getting at now.

You shouldn’t be using the Increment module if you need an increment counter to be reset while the scenario is running.

  • The option “reset a value after one cycle” works with “watch” trigger modules that can generate more than one bundle, and splits them up into multiple cycles based on the maximum number of cycles set in the scenario settings. So when each schedule “cycle” is triggered, the increment counter resets.

  • The option “reset a value after one scenario run” can be for any type of trigger module. The increment counter starts from 1 when the scenario is triggered.

Both options above does the same for you because you are not using a trigger that watches new changes from an external service that could generate multiple cycles – your increment module only resets when the scenario is triggered.

The “Repeater” module already has it’s own increment that you can customise the increment “step” value, and resets if the repeater is triggered again with another bundle from a prior module.

Is there any reason why you cannot use the i (increment/counter variable) of the Repeater module?

If you need a counter within a counter, you can chain/nest multiple repeater modules.


Ok, thanks. My problem is fixed.