Invalid instance id '0'


I have read the other posts on this topic, but could not find an answer. I am connecting to an API and downloading all computer records. I then iterate each one and then update a data store where all of these records have already been downloaded. The goal is to update a record when any of the data changes.

When I run the scenario, I get “The operation failed with an error. Validation failed for 1 parameter”. When I click the exclamation on the module, I see that the details of the error are: “Invalid number in parameter ‘assignedUserIDs’”. If I click on the second option to ignore BundleValidationErrors, then run the scenario again, I get “Invalid instance id ‘0’”. assignedUserIDs is an array. I didn’t see this error when I downloaded the initial data, so I’m perplexed. I could just overwrite the records, but I think maybe that is a waste of operations, or is my thinking on this wrong? The total number of records is about 1700.

I’d appreciate any advice. Thank you!

Update: Changing it to overwrite records does not help. I still get the same validation error and still can’t ignore them.

Hi @Keith_Myers,

Welcome to the Make community. As per your screenshot, you cannot start your scenario with a non-existent module. Drag the clock to the HTTP module or add a module as first step to fix the issue.

(‘intance’ refers to the module number, which is this case is 0 or null)


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LOL thank you! idk how I missed that one. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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