Is there a way to get and "map" 4 different outputs from openAI in one go?

I want to ask open AI 4 questions and write the answers into 4 different columns in excel. As far as i have understood, i need to ask these 4 questions via 4 different openAi operations in order to map the 4 answers to the 4 different columns in excel, is that correct?

Or is there a way to as my 4 questions, but get 4 “mappable” answers from one openAI-module?

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Hey @fabian.roser

You can prompt gpt to generate json data in specified json structure by enabling “response format” to “JSON”.


Msquare Automation - Gold Partner of Make

thank you! I am not a programmer though - And have zero JSON knowledge … is there a “no code” way?

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Hey @fabian.roser

You can copy the below json in prompt and ask gpt to generate in same structure.


Msquare Automation - Gold Partner of Make

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ah cool!

And how do i get this into my excel sheet then? Will i be able to map “answer 1” in the excell module of MAKE?

@fabian.roser I highly recommend the Make Academy courses. It will teach you a lot of basics that will help you make these sorts of scenarios.


@drnic thank you so much - i do think that using JSON is actually the answer to many issues and questions in my current project.

i set up a little test where openAi generates 3 answers and hands them over to JSON, but i still can not manage for these 3 answers to be in seperate JSON Strings to i can then hand over to excel.

What am i doing wrong here?

blueprint.json (27.1 KB)

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Please export the below blueprint and you will be able to map the values in excel.

blueprint (33).json (36.9 KB)


Msquare Automation - Gold Partner of Make

Thank you so, so much @Msquare_Automation !

This solved my issue … and trying to adapt this logic to my project has taught me even more, by having to figure out how to fix all the errors I got … ha ha :laughing:

To have an active community around MAKE is invaluable!

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Glad to know! Once you think your issue is resolved and consider an answer as solution that you think helped you will make community clean and it will help others to locate the solution having same query.


Msquare Automation - Gold Partner of Make