Issue configuring Text Parser

Dear community,

How do I extract the main image from the body text?
In the RSS feed URL is indeed correct, and the page has an image, but I can’t seem to extract that image from the URL.

As you can see, the Bundel Output is empty.

Attached herewith is the full blueprint
RSS to LinkedIn post - blueprint.json (31.0 KB)

Please also advise if I configured the last Module correct - it’s purpose is to post a LinkedIn post with that image taken from the original article.

Hope you can kindly advise.

P.S. I started the academy, but it take time and a long learning curve :slight_smile:

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@Ofer_Langer Google feed doesn’t return images.

So you have two options:

1). Use Inoreader instead of the Google feed (Easy)
2). If you want to use Google Feed, use ScrapeNinja, APIfy, or a similar scraping module to scrape the image (in place of the text parser).

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Thanks @Ronak_Bhagdev , let’s say I go with Inoreader… How do I get the image using this way?
And can I do that with their free plan?

Much appreciated,

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@Ofer_Langer Inoreader provides images for most websites. To extract an image, you will need to use the Text Parser.


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Thanks @Ronak_Bhagdev .
I think I’m on the right path.
So I managed to get the image with Text Parser:

But I did not manage to publish that image on LinkedIn:

This is the error I get:

Hope you could kindly advise.
Thank you so much for your help :slight_smile:

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@Ofer_Langer There are 3 types of LinkedIn posts - Text, Image, and Video.

If you want to post text post, then the ‘Media Type’ should be Articles, and there you can use Image data

For the Image post, the params are different

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I tried this solution, but it is linking to the original article.
My purpose is to post on my feed + adding an image (taken from the original article) without linking to the original article.

@Ronak_Bhagdev do you think it’s possible?


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@Ofer_Langer, please try the ‘Create a User Image Post’ module.

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It worked! Thank you so much @Ronak_Bhagdev
But, since I ran the test a few times, LinkedIn blocked me.
So even though the process runs with no errors, nothing gets published on LinkedIn.

Have you ever had this issue?
Is this something that can be resolved?

Many thanks,

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@Ofer_Langer please read their ToS - Account restrictions | LinkedIn Help

They discourage automation. I recommend you talk to Linkedin support.

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