Issue with combining data from an array using join in

Hello everyone! I’m encountering a problem using the join function in I need to collect data from an array to get a final text format like this:
Name: Start - End
Name: Start - End

it has to be like:
Victoria: Wednesday, Nov 13 - Monday, Nov 18
Andrei: Wednesday, Nov 13 - Monday, Nov 18

I’m using the Array Aggregator to combine task information and trying to format each line to display a list of employees with their vacation periods. I tried this expression {{join(242.array[].__IMTKEY__ + ":" + 242.array[].text; newline)}}, but it returns an empty result or just one. Could someone suggest what might be going wrong? Or maybe there’s a better way to achieve this? Thanks!"

Hi Victoria, welcome to the community.

You can use aggregator to convert the array into bundles. Then use a text aggregator to aggregate all text with a separator that you use later to separate the text.

You are getting the data from the aggregator in somewhat this format

after the iterator you can use the text aggregator with the settings shown and source moduel should be iterator

at the end you can split the compiled text by the seprator you added


Hello Abhilash Naik :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank you so much! This solution worked perfectly, and it’s exactly what I needed. I really appreciate your help and the clear guidance—it made all the difference. Thanks again! :blush: