I am brand new to the make.com platform. I built a quick scenerio to take some emails, get the URLs and either update existing calendar events or create new ones if they don’t exist. This is working. Then I decided that I should delete the email after this was done so that I didn’t have to keep going in and manually doing this. This is where I can’t get it to work. I keep getting a 400 error.
So I have a rule in Gmail that when I get an email that matches certain criteria, it forwards it to my mailparser.io account. Inside there, I have to set up to extract all the data into different fields. Then I created a trigger in Make.com and start there. Then I search my calendar and get the event ID. Then I use a router and if it finds an event, it will update the event with the URL, time, etc. If no event was found it goes and creates a new event with all the details. This part is working fine.
Then I noticed I could delete emails inside my scenario. This is where I run into an issue. I pull the Gmail Message ID and use that, but it gives me an error “400 (invalidArgument): Invalid id value”. So I don’t know what else to try. I made a test scenrio where it finds an email, marks it read and then deletes it. Same issue. So I don’t know if this function is broken inside make.com or if its something else.
Error Message
I would really appreciate any help I can get as I see this platform having lots of potential for my needs, but right now I am struggling to get things to work 100%.